Want more engagement? Dig deeper!
July 6, 2012
It is important to set some objectives for your social media efforts. One buzzword frequently heard is 'engagement' – more likes, more comments, more submissions, more LOLs, more activity in general. However, don't stop at the buzzword with your social media strategy. Dig deeper. What kind of engagement - or engagers - do you want?
Focus engagement around priorities
Are you looking for user-generated content from your audience? If so, don't just look for brand advocates. Look for connections whose activity supports your priorities. If your priority is to make your department a thought leader in its field, then the content you're looking for should promote that reputation. The user who posted an artistic photo of their tour on your campus may not be fulfilling your priority to become a thought leader as effectively as the user who posted a photo from a conference you hosted, which he or she attended to support his or her career. Another department's priority may be to attract more students to activities and might do that by making all the events seem like much more fun. That is the department that may want to hold the funniest group photo contest. If you are making plans to get more engagement from your connections, remind yourself of your department's priorities and define the engagement you want with specifics.