12 MIT Professors to Follow on Twitter

April 25, 2012

Enjoy this list of MIT professors who are active on Twitter.

Ed Boyden, @EBoyden3
Associate Professor, Program in Media Arts and Sciences (@medialab)
Boyden is a neuroengineer who tweets about the Media Lab, synthetic neurobiology, events at MIT, and his thoughts on research.

Charles Fine, @clockspd
Chrysler Leaders for Manufacturing Professor, Sloan School of Management (@MITSloan)
Professor Fine focuses on innovation.

M. Taylor Fravel, @fravel
Professor of International Relations, Department of Political Science (part of @MIT_SHASS)
Professor Fravel tweets about international news several times a day. He has posted more than 3,340 tweets.

Hiroshi Ishii, @hiroshi_ishii@ishii_mit
Professor, MIT Program in Media Arts and Sciences
Professor Ishii tweets in Japanese and in English about everything he's reading, thinking, seeing, and experiencing. He has posted more than 4,000 tweets.

Hugh Herr, @HughHerr
Associate Professor, Program in Media Arts and Sciences
Professor Herr just started tweeting; he posts news and opinions about his own research in biomechatronics and developing physically assistive technologies.

David Karger, @karger
Professor of Electrical Engineering, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Tweets about computer science-related thoughts, news, and events.

Eric Klopfer, @eklopfer
Professor, Department of Urban Studies and Planning (@MITDUSP); Director of the Scheller Teacher Education Program (@MITSTEPlab) Professor Klopfer tweets about educational technology, games, and simulations. He's always talking about using technology for teaching and learning.

Thomas Levenson, @TomLevenson
Professor of Science Writing, Program in Writing and Humanistic Studies
Professor Levenson has a high level of engagement with other tweeters. He posts about science, writing, and science writing!

Rosalind Picard, @RosalindPicard
Professor, Program in Media Arts and Sciences
Professor Picard's posts are mostly about MIT and technology.

Deb Roy, @dkroy
Associate Professor, Program in Media Arts and Sciences
Associate Professor Roy tweets where he is and what he's working on outside of the classroom.

Sherry Turkle, @STurkle
Professor, Program in Science, Technology, and Society
Turkle posts news about herself, her books, her research, events where she is speaking, and articles related to sociology and technology.

Posted By
Stephanie Hatch Leishman

Stephanie Hatch Leishman

Former MIT Social Media Strategist

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